Sunday, February 14, 2010

A Man for All Seasons

Dapper not dandy,
With a lean to in his step
A stagger in his gate

A contingency to wait

A lover of women, and food,

A taste for brandy
And single malted scotch

A military posture,
With a laugh like a roaring
Bumble bee

A command over his tongue
Leaves him to not speak too long
Nor too often
Only enough to keep you listening

Taking pride in his casual dress,
Taking comfort in his girth,

Not one to forget insults,
But not one he who shan’t forgive

He thunders his way gently
Delicately through the crowd to the stage.

He speaks softly,
Proudly, fighting not to betray his posture
When his reason gives way naturally
To the treacling of his voice.

He is not too quick to apologize,
Has never lost, nor won a fight.

A man of modest means,
With a wealth of gestalt
That adds weight to his opinions.

He is, a man for a man
A man for a woman,

A poet’s poet,
And a painter’s friend

A writer’s envy, but never his foe,

He is a man seen by many,
But whom many seldem know.

Of poise,
Of faults,
Of thoughts always just,

He is a man for all seasons
A man you can trust.

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